Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Aloo Paratha/Aloo Chapathi/Indian Flat Bread


This recipe is about  aloo paratha, but I am not making separate aloo curry stuff   to make paratha.  It is the easy version of  stuffed aloo paratha.  Simply add  mashed potatoes to wheat flour   to make chapatis. These chapatis are very soft and tasty.  Once in a while I love to do this.

Potatoes/aloo     (2 medium size, boiled, peeled and mashed)

Whole wheat flour   (2 cups)

Green chilli   (1 no, paste, red chillie powder is substitute)

Jeera powder/cumin powder     (1/2 tsp)

Salt to taste

Oil (optional)
Preparation method:

·  First boil the potatoes, then peel the skin and mash it in a mixing bowl. 

·  Add wheat flour, green chilli paste, Jeera powder/cumin powder and salt   then  prepare soft dough. The water in the boiled potatoes is enough to make soft dough. Continue to knead till you get the right consistency. 

·  Divide the dough into equal portions   and make medium sized balls of it and keep them ready to roll out.

·  Take one dough ball and roll it into chapati, lightly coat on wheat flour both sides to prevent the dough from sticking as you roll the chapati.  

·  Heat the pan/griddle/ tava,  transfer the rolled chapati on it,  then roast it well with oil(optional) both sides.

Serve hot with curry or chutney and Enoy the Taste of Aloo Chapati.

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